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In 2015, I decided to run for office for the first time. Politics and the term "politician" can be dirty words today, and for that reason I never considered my entry into local government to be overly political. I prefer to see it as public service, and I have committed myself to serving the needs of our residents.
As a teacher and a coach for nearly 25 years, serving our community has always been something I've enjoyed. It is filled with challenges that I am eager to tackle. At the same time, I do believe that anyone involved in local government brings values and ideologies that guide their leadership. For me, I am driven by progressive, yet practical, values that I firmly believe help to make our community a great place to live, work, and play.
I was elected to my first term on Plymouth Council in November 2015 and was re-elected in 2019. Throughout those two terms, I was proud to work on the following:
- Served as liaison to the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Board
- Worked as a representative in contract negotiations with our Public Works Dept. Continue Reading →
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"Responsive and responsible government"
"Smart Planning for our Future"
"Civil Discourse"